Smart City Bhagalpur - Student Essay Competition

Smart City Bhagalpur - Student Essay Competition
Start Date :
Nov 03, 2015
Last Date :
Nov 11, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Under Smart City Mission, Municipal Corporation of Bhagalpur invites essays based on the theme: Bhagalpur Smart City – My Dream City ...

Under Smart City Mission, Municipal Corporation of Bhagalpur invites essays based on the theme: Bhagalpur Smart City – My Dream City

Terms and Conditions

The essays are to be submitted in the prescribed format.

Last date of submission is 10th November, 2015.

Top three essay entries will be selected by Bhagalpur Municipal Corporation and will form part of Smart City Proposal to be submitted to Government.

The entries have to be uploaded on or submitted in hard copy in cabin of Mr. VinayPrasad Yadav –

City Manager,
Bhagalpur Municipal Corporation.
Contact No: 8084436623, 0641 2302035.

For any clarification, you may also contact Rohit Singh – 7042074590. Format is as below:

Student Name:
College/School Name:
Phone No:

Q1: What a Smart City Should be (Max 100 Words)
Ans : …………………..

Q2: Write maximum 250 words on “ My dream city Bhagalpur”
( you may consider following aspects for exampleJobs , Environment,pollution, poor people , new houses and colonies ,water supply, Urban beautification etc)
Ans: ………………………………….

Q3: Describe the ways that the Bhagalpur can reduce the gap between rich and poor.
Ans: ………………………………….

Under Review
Showing 37 Submission(s)
kumar ankit_5
kumar ankit_5 8 years 10 months ago

1-Globlally smartcity doesn’t mean having only infrastructure and sight scene but we the people of Bhagalpur should enough smart to maintain it.2- Primarily roads and transport system should be upgraded,then drainage ,sewage & having dumping ground. Then infrastructure & airport should be at new level.3-Difference can removed by by removing agent between farmer and storage supplyier & farmer should paid as their input done in feild
kumar ankit
12th passout
st joseph

pulkit mohan singla 8 years 10 months ago

The smart city bhagalpur can become the most innovative and easy going city if we create a distance between the commercial and the residential sector as mixing of both creates traffic and chaos. The shops would be allowed only in mini to mega malls with 3d parking. Only the shop of chemist or daily need will be allowed on the road rest every type of shop will be in malls. The residential houses should have 4 to 5 floors with compulsory slit parking and more building coverage area.
TAKALKHOPA PARBHANI 8 years 10 months ago

मोफत प्रवास योजना मोफत गणवेश वाटप उपस्थिती भत्ता मोफत पाठ्यपुस्तक
TAKALKHOPA PARBHANI 8 years 10 months ago

विध्यर्थाचे पालक त्यांच्या विध्यार्थ्याचा घरी सराव घेत नाही त्यासाठी शाळेत विविध उपक्रम घेऊन सराव देता येतो.
TAKALKHOPA PARBHANI 8 years 10 months ago

पुस्तकामध्ये पाठाची संख्या अधिक असल्यामुळे विध्यार्थाला अभ्यासासाठी जास्त वेळ मिळत नाही म्हणून ते मागे पडतात.
TAKALKHOPA PARBHANI 8 years 10 months ago

पालकाची आर्थिक परिस्थिती उदासीनता पालकाचे अज्ञान स्त्रीपुरुष भेदभाव मुलांचे घरकाम लहान भावंडाचा सांभाळ सुगी मध्ये शेतात कामाला नेतात
TAKALKHOPA PARBHANI 8 years 10 months ago

हि माधान योजनेसाठी स्वतंत्र यात्रांना कार्यान्वीत करावी शिक्षकांना हे काम नाही द्यायला पाहिजे कारण शिक्षकांचा बराच वेळ यामध्ये जात आहे
DEVSADI PARBHANI 8 years 10 months ago

शालेय आरोग्य तपासणी चागल्या प्रकारे व्हायला पाहिजे ती चांगल्या प्रकारे रावविल्या जात नाही
DEVSADI PARBHANI 8 years 10 months ago

हि माधान योजनेसाठी स्वतंत्र यात्रांना कार्यान्वीत करावी शिक्षकांना हे काम नाही द्यायला पाहिजे कारण शिक्षकांचा बराच वेळ यामध्ये जात आहे
DEVSADI PARBHANI 8 years 10 months ago

बऱ्याच शाळेत क्रीडांगण सुविधा उपलब्ध आहेत विध्यार्थ्याचे विविध खेळ घेतले जातात.