Jabalpur Smart City - Design and Development Concept for Madan Mahal Heritage

Jabalpur Smart City - Design and Development Concept for Madan Mahal Heritage
Start Date :
Jan 30, 2017
Last Date :
Apr 15, 2017
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Jabalpur Smart City Limited (JSCL) is organizing a competition on “How to Develop Recreation cum Conservation Zone - Madan Mahal Heritage and Eco Zone”. In this participants ...

Jabalpur Smart City Limited (JSCL) is organizing a competition on “How to Develop Recreation cum Conservation Zone - Madan Mahal Heritage and Eco Zone”. In this participants are required to prepare a DPR (Detail Project Report) of Madan Mahal.

Terms and Conditions:

1. Participants have to submit:-
Development plan for above mentioned topic. It should include
i. Concept sheet & concept note ,(in not more than 1000 words)
ii. Site plan
iii. Adequate sections & elevations
iv 3D perspective views

2. Either one visible video clip in mp4 format Or One PPT with not more than 10 slides.
3. Submitted design /Concept shall be original work of the participant.
4. Submitted design shall comply with the rules of plagiarism and copyright.
5. After selection of participant all the submitted entries will be the property of JSCL.
6. JSCL will have full right of selected entries, which can be modified, changed, or altered as per the requirement/wish of JSCL.
7. If any legal proceedings arise, shall be subject to local jurisdiction of Jabalpur City.
8. JSCL have right to change any condition before end date.
9. Submission accepts only through https://mygov.in/ .
10. For any query mail to ictpmu@jscljabalpur.org

• First prize - Rs. 5,00,000.00/-(Five Lacs)
• Second prize - Rs. 1,00,000.00/- (One Lacs)
• Third prize - Rs. 50,000.00/-(Fifty thousand)
• Submission of DPR- Rs-10,00000.00/-(Ten Lacs)
[For Selected participants JSCL will pay 3 Lacs instant and rest of 2 Lacs with the DPR cost after submission of DPR (10+2) Total= 12 Lacs]

Click here to read more information about the design

Under Review
Showing 14 Submission(s)
Anurag Varma_1
Anurag Varma 7 years 5 months ago

Dear Sir

Please find attached herewith our submission for the Design and Development Concept for Madan Mahal Heritage, Jabalpur. We are also attaching herewith a brief Company profile for your kind perusal, and look forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards
Anurag Varma
Principal Architect

Architecture Interior Design Heritage Conservation
A - 902 Park View Apartments, Sector 5, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad INDIA
Ph: 9810101334, 0120-4248859

vibhor mukul singh_1
vibhor mukul singh 7 years 5 months ago

Dear Sir,
Attached herewith is our entry for the competition. However, we also made a video clip as suggested in the brief, but are unable to upload here since the MP4 format is not acceptable.
So we request you to kindly download the video from the following link:


This would be really appreciated as we put in a lot of hard work in it.
Thanks & Regards.

Anay Rana 7 years 5 months ago

I have seen in many smart city project. In that they had not consider instrumentation and control engineering field .
My intention for this not because of i am belong from that, but automation and field instrumentation for smart city Project is most important.
In that Waste water/ water treatment plant can utilised, automation in -street light , traffic control , sewage treatment and many others.

It can apply also in Smart waste collection system, and many more other applications.