Inviting Suggestions for the proposed New Cooperative Policy

 Suggestions for the proposed New Cooperative Policy
Start Date :
May 27, 2022
Last Date :
Jun 15, 2022
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Cooperatives are the mainstay of the rural economy ensuring sustainable livelihoods and income for people. There are 8.5 lakh cooperatives in India, out of which 1.77 lakh (about ...

Cooperatives are the mainstay of the rural economy ensuring sustainable livelihoods and income for people. There are 8.5 lakh cooperatives in India, out of which 1.77 lakh (about 20%) are credit cooperatives and the remaining 80% are non-credit cooperatives engaged in various activities. The cooperative movement has fostered a membership of more than 29 crores with a network stretching through the entire length and breadth of India. The cooperatives play a significant role in growth and development of various sectors by generating employment and income, for examples - Dairy (1,77,314 Co-operatives with turnover of Rs. 93,556 crores), Housing (28,945 Co-operatives with Loans Disbursed of Rs. 12,711 crores), Labour (46,818 Co-operatives with Membership of 27,30,000), Fertilizers (Co-operatives producing 20% of total Fertiliser in country), Fisheries (20,804 Co-operatives with membership of 32 lakhs), Sugar (188 Sugar Factories with Production of 35% of total Sugar produce), Agro- processing etc. Also Credit Cooperatives are key to ensuring financial inclusiveness in the country by disbursing credit to marginal sectors. These milestones have been achieved through a network of 21 national-level, 390 state-level, and 2705 district-level cooperative federations in the country.

The new Ministry of Cooperation has been set up by the Government of India by notification dated 06.07.2021 with the mandate of realization of vision “Sahakar se Samriddhi”, strengthening of cooperative movement in the country, deepening its reach up to the grassroots, creation of appropriate policy, legal and institutional framework to help cooperatives realize their potential, etc. As one of the major steps to fulfil the above mandate, the Ministry is in process of formulating a new cooperation policy, since the existing policy was formulated way back in 2002. The new policy would address the challenges faced by the sector in today’s world.

The new cooperation policy is being formulated in consultation with all the stakeholders. The Ministry has received many valuable inputs and suggestions from the State Governments, Central Ministries, Federations and Institutions. A national conference with State Governments and the Central Ministries was also held on 12-13 April, 2022 at Delhi. The Ministry is also in the process of holding a series of stake holder consultations for formulation of new cooperation policy.

As a part of this consultation, the Ministry is inviting your valuable inputs/ suggestion for formulating the national cooperation policy under various themes.

Kindly share your suggestions as per the following Categories :
i. Cooperative Governance
ii. Legal and Regulatory Framework
iii. Training Education and HR Policy
iv. Cooperatives to be Vibrant Economic Units
v. Setting New Cooperatives, Sustainable Development of Cooperative
vi. Diversification of Cooperatives/ Social Cooperatives

The last date to receive suggestions is 15 June,2022

Showing 482 Submission(s)
Prafull Pagar 2 years 3 months ago

india should adopt the RIFEZAN technique of Germany in co operative movement....cooperative principal is the One person one vote is the nurture of nation!!

Deepali Hingne
Deepali Hingne adv 2 years 3 months ago

coperate word itself suggest
along with people for welfare of people
that automatically welfare of society
take cooperative as decorative
eg in cultural - if try to make in small area
with prior rule archiology nearby areas
that will help beside other things also
means - renovate/clean place
if not use cn plantation
decorate it to inhance beauty of your city
cooperative _ beauty of city
2 make place beautiful cleanliness
twice a week cn open
social cooperative society
that's help to clean areas ets

Deepali Hingne
Deepali Hingne adv 2 years 3 months ago

policy as family 4 nation building
even not a routine criteria needed
even 1 cn manage
by trial error base a no bribe policy in company
with technology it cn be possible
cooperative means merge in small group
so that group also cn be divided in2 sub group
to apply policy
beside economy
policy cn be welfare of state
eg- plantations more
provide - by cycle 2 company employees
even better manegement includes house woman 2 more apply policy
not only economy but it's sorroundings also

RANI PANDEY 2 years 3 months ago

1. There is a lack of transparency and accountability in the expenses incurred by the Society/Organizations.  Govt should bring Cooperative Societies under CAG.

2. In some Cooperative, work is being done by keeping retired persons on contract in key positions. The appointment is made with all the power of delegation vested in the post. But being retired, he does not have any legal responsibility, which is unfortunate,  when educated people are trying for jobs. Govt shd have to think to make Recruitment Board for Cooperative Sector.
J S PANDEY 2 years 3 months ago

1. Managing Director of MSCS Coop. are holding their position in spite being involved in corrupt practices. 

Such MD /Executives needs to be removed from heading the Cooperative without any further loss of time.

2. MSCS uses the funds of the Organization to set up Joint Ventures Plants abroad i.e. Oman etc for the purpose of diversification of their Society.

The MD / Directors keep the dividends, incentives/profit recd from it as their own right , while it should be deposited in the institution, because the money is invested by the Orgn. So all the employees and officers should have right on profits recd. and should not go to the MD /Directors of Cooperative.

3. Unfortunately, the Cooperatives are dominated by lack of transparency, accountability and are full of Nepotism in the matter of recruitment of Managing Director and other Director which  are hand picked by the Board. 
Ministry should have decision making in the final selection of Managing Director and other Director.

kunal kishore_11
kunal kishore 2 years 3 months ago

Coperative policy means to focus on particular area for their all round development.
1 A cooperative committee should be formed in each and every village for their development.
2 cooperative should be connect with panchayat for proper development.
3 Cooperative should be focus on cold storage and ware house to store food grain and vegetable.
4 Farmer should be registered under and given registered number for their future benefit.
5 Meeting of cooperative member should be compulsory in a month to know about their activity
6 Cooperative should be promoted at government level to make their existance.

kunal kishore_11
kunal kishore 2 years 3 months ago

Cooperative means to co-operate with farmer and poor people for develop his life and economically strong
1 It help us farmer for their cultivating crop without and hurrdle.
2 It promote dairy and small scale industry based on agriculture.
3 plantation crop should also included for cooperative activity
4 A cooperative committee should be formed in each and every village.
5 panchayat cooperative system has to be adopted for include all activity under cooperative.
6 cooperative should be focus on warehouse and cold storage for store agriculture product.

Sonali Gokani
Sonali Gokani 2 years 3 months ago

Students ladies or worker who wish to explore India from foreign countries, or interstate, should have some govt facility, some guidance and councelling ambassies. Indian embassy of Madagascar gave me no support when I was trying to move to India for higher studies.

We need govt tour organizers for any inter city trip. right now we dont know where to go when to go, where to stay etc. as solo travelling is not safe.

need cooperative housing societies to host singles too, not everybody is married. studying and working away from home is the new world, need more coop.

i was taking ropes from a peepal tree and someone opposed me, saying this trees falls under our comittee dont touch it. no cooperation to the common man between societies.

wanted to do a flash mob on causes, authorities started saying take permission from police station, fill a big form, provide proofs, abide to restrictions, etc.

wanted to write social messages on newspapers or public places, it costed lakhs.